I received the suspension parts from ElectroAuto today. If you hadn't read before, the 18 8-volt golf cart batteries add 800 pounds to the weight of the car, so the suspension needs upgrading. It looks like I got new springs(blue), torsion bars (red) and two sets of matching shock absorbers (white/silver). If I go to the shop and have these replaced, I won't really be able to drive the car around. The real gamble is how fast the rest of the kit shows up. Unfortunately, I'm betting that ElectroAuto is going to take awhile before delivering the remainder of the kit, so I'll probably hold onto these for a bit.
On a slightly downer note, I ordered a $250 special desulfator for 6-24V batteries. It was supposedly shipped eleven days ago via priority mail but still hasn't shown up yet. I'd be kinda bummed if that got lost in the mail.
The 914 is still lurching violently until the car warms up. It idles fine at cold temperatures, and I messed with the cylinder head temperature sensor, so I'm thinking the trigger points in the bottom of the distributor are at fault. Time to go back to Alan at A & P...
UPDATE: Don Denhardt who makes the desulfators just called on the phone and let me know that the $250 desulfator arrived on February 12th, but is probably being held at the post office because it's insured and they need a signature. Perhaps the little note that they leave in my mailbox got lost with all the junk mail I throw out. I'll check tomorrow.
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